Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Rules (The Paper Doll Project #1) by Stacey Kade

The Rules (Project Paper Doll, #1)The Rules by Stacey Kade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I started off not having a clue about this book. I didn't really know what in the world it would be about or what the "Paper Doll Project" was. All I knew was the rules printed on the back of the book jacket... I will also confess to being a MAJOR cover snob and if I hadn't agreed to read this with some of my GoodReads friends, I never would have picked this book up - because I HATE the cover. But that's not the Author's fault and I am SO GLAD I did the "buddy read"!

The book started off kind of bland, but once I figured out it was a Dual POV book and that I LOVED Zane's POV, I committed to finishing it. It was more than a few chapters and I knew that Ariane's character was developing in front of me and that I was completely and utterly HOOKED!

I love Dual POV books, especially when one POV is male and one female. I love to see the difference in perspective between the sexes for the same events. I think I secretly hope this will help me understand men in some weird way, lol!

In this story we watch Ariane, our main female character, branch out and eventually break every rule her "father" ever set down to keep her safe. She does this to protect someone she mistakenly believes is a friend... Zane is part of the "game" and quickly becomes WAY more than that. It is sweet to watch the 2 of them develop a real relationship and grow beyond the terrible home lives they each have.

This is a paranormal book, with a romance, and a "bad guy" corporation. It was actually a really fresh perspective on the depravity of the human condition and the things we talk ourselves into a being acceptable losses on the road to scientific discovery.

I would HIGHLY recommend this book! Just ignore the cover!


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