Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sacrifice of Love (Grey Wolves #7) by Quinn Loftis

Sacrifice of Love (The Grey Wolves, #7)Sacrifice of Love by Quinn Loftis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Ok, guess we need a bit more than Oh Holy wow, lol. I have been reading this series from the beginning with a friend. What a ride it's been. This is "technically" the last book in the series although there will be a prequel coming out where we get to learn about Alina and Vasile before they were mated. I'm really interested in that.

That said, I feel like I lost a friend, lol. The same way I felt after I made my way through all 7 Harry potter books and came to the end. Just sad and lost. WHAT A GREAT SERIES, AND WHAT A GREAT INSTALLMENT IN SAID SERIES.

This last book, was amazing. A great story, and a great ending to the stories of all the wonderful ppl we've been following in these stories. Lots of emotion to deal with as well.

My only regret in this book is I didn't really get to learn much at all about Lilly and Cypher and I think that would have been super interesting! A future book or novella maybe?

Anyway, if you have been reading the Grey Wolves series, you should definitely


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Half-Blood (Covenant #1) by Jennifer Armentrout

Half-Blood (Covenant, #1)Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After being starved for more Jennifer Armentrout books, I started this series. The Covenant Series. The first book is Half-Blood. Let me just say I DEVOURED it. It was great.

It is a "supernatural/paranormal" YA/NA book. Instead of Aliens like the Lux series, this one deals with the Greek Gods, Pure Bloods and their children with mortals - half bloods.

This really is an excellent story. The characters are solid and as always, JLA does a fantastic job developing them. To the point where I am worried about what happens to each and every one of them!

I can't wait to continue on with this series.


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A Spy In the House (The Agency, #1) by Y.S. Lee

A Spy in the House (The Agency, #1)A Spy in the House by Y.S. Lee
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I thought I was going to have to grin an bear it through this book but it was a total surprise and I really loved it!

This is the story of a girl named Mary who lives in London in the late 1800's. Through tragedy she loses both her mother and father and turns to thievery to survive. Of course she is caught and sentenced to death by hanging. All this at the age of 12! But she is rescued and offered a 2nd chance at a different life. And this is where our story begins.

A clandestine Agency hidden within a school and our heroine Mary's first assignment.

It really was a great story. I was sad at the end because I wanted her to end up with a certain gentleman who goes off to India, but perhaps he will resurface in a later book...

I recommend it if you are looking for a good YA spy novel!

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Monday, October 7, 2013

Dark Triumph (His Fair Assassin 2) by R.L. LaFevers

Dark Triumph (His Fair Assassin, #2)Dark Triumph by R.L. LaFevers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well done Robin LaFevers! Very very well done! If I could give this book an extra star - I would.

There are good books, great book, really great books, and then there are books like this one. Books that change you. Books that make you grin silly, not knowing why. That make you feel funny things in your stomach and heart. Knowing it's the book making it happen, whether or not you know exactly why.

I may give 5 star ratings out more than other readers, but this book truly truly deserves every single one of them. I wish I had a rating for Books That Change Me.

This is the story of Sybella, one of Death's Handmaidens and the horrors she must endure while trying to do what she has been told is the will of her patron saint, Mortain. She comes to know herself, her Saint, and her love as she travels through the story.

This is the 2nd in a series, His Fair Assassins, but I feel you could most likely read it as a stand alone. The first one, Grave Mercy was also excellent and many of the same characters do appear in this story as well. There is also a 3rd on the way, Mortal Heart, and I fully intend to devour it as wholly as I have the first two.

While I do not normally love historical fiction, I am completely taken with this series. Do yourself a favor and give it a try, even if you are not normally a Historical Fiction reader.


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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hunger (Gone #2) by Michael Grant

Hunger (Gone, #2)Hunger by Michael Grant
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Reading this book made me ask myself - how do you decide if you like a book or not? It was hard to answer. I'm still not sure if I have figured it out. I really love this series, and I liked this book, but not what happened. Does that makes sense? Probably not!

Anyway, book 2 in the Gone series was absolutely FULL of action, bad decisions and typical human traits, characteristics and hatred. Boy, I can't even think of ONE THING that happened in this book that I liked (until the last 2 pages) or agreed with, not one. These kids are out of control, filled with hate, starving, and in some cases, murderous. And to be honest, when ppl are starving they want someone to blame and they just want food, even if they have to kill for it. And when those ppl are all 14 or under... well - you see where this goes. How can you teach a 5 y o ethics when everyone is starving? Very interesting and difficult topic.

However, after a ton of really really bad stuff happens, there is a small, like 2 page, reprieve at the end where you have a shred of hope, for like 2 seconds. LOL. Yet, even after all of this I'm totally drawn to this series and these kids. Like I have to keep on reading, no matter how depressing it is!

So, you see how I came up with my initial question. How can I like this book when I hated everything that happened? I don't know if I'll ever get that answered.

If you are a fan of dystopias, esp involving children, this is definitely worth checking out!

Read it and tell me if you like it!

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Beautiful Chaos (Castor Chronicles #3) by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

Beautiful Chaos (Caster Chronicles, #3)Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was SO much better than Beautiful Darkness! It surely deserves everyone of the 5 stars I've given it! Then ending was heartbreaking and sob inducing!

It has become increasingly obvious to me, the more series I read, that you just can't love every single book in a series. You can love most of them, even like all of them, but there is just no way to LOVE all of them. One or 2 will just be better than the others. It's just how it works, lol.

While I really did not like Beautiful Darkness at all, either due to content, plot or writing, I have to say that I LOVED, with all my heart, Beautiful Chaos. It was EXCELLENTLY written, the plot was magnificant, the characters engaging, and everything that happened was revelent to the plot of this book, and books in the future.

This is the 3rd book in the series and I dont' want to give any plot spoilers away, but it was a VERY busy book for all of our favorite characters - and there are a LOT of them!

If you are reading the Castor Chronicles, esp if book 2 bugged you as much as it did me, make a point to read this book. It will restore you to the series with gusto, and many tears!

If you aren't reading this series, what are you waiting for?


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