Monday, July 29, 2013

Crushing by Elena Dillion

Elena, THANK YOU for this amazing book.

 I gave this book 5 stars and I really believe it deserves every single one of them. When a well written book actually gets a physical reaction out of me, I know it is deserving of a great rating. This is the story of a girl whose childhood crush moves home. The ensuing drama is amazing. Besides boy drama, there is also the threat of kidnapping with other girls going missing. The result is her life basically on lock-down and how she handles all of it. I loved watching her discover herself and make her choices... It was great. I also loved her brothers. The only thing I would have liked would be a wrap up to the Veronica Jackson situation, but that's not central to the story - just my curiosity! LOL. Basically what I am saying is if you like YA romance with a bit of adventure mixed in, then this book is for you! READ IT AND LOVE IT!

 Book Finished 7/12/13 - 5 Stars

1 comment:

  1. Great book! Both Sarah and I read it and agree, definitely 5 star worthy.
