Fate and Fury by Quinn Loftis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I absolutely HATE the way this book ended. I hate pain and suffering and that's all I see in the future for my favorite wolf couple, Jen and Dec. I don't want to be a whiner, but WHY? Argh!
This book was different from the others in the series,in that no one new fell in love or mated, although one couple did get married. It was a lot of pain, a lot of rescue and a lot of healing. And there are still some major wounds that need attending too.
I could list all the couples and their trials, but if you are already on book 6, then you don't need me to list any of that content. Just know that if you made it to book 5, then you will read this book too, and then promptly move on to #7 because like me, you are now DYING to find out what happens with everyone - and I mean everyone. Our "little" wolf family has really grown - a lot!
I have really come to love this series. Once I start a book, I usually finish it the same day. This one was significantly longer (over 500 pages) so it took me 2 days, lol. But still you get the point. If this review is the first you've heard of the Grey Wolves series, go back to book one (which at the time of writing this review is still free on Amazon) Prince of Wolves and get a start on the series. Book one is the weakest of the series, but if you can get through it I promise you will NOT be disappointed in the rest. They are excellent!
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